
Savva. Heart of the Warrior

Savva. Serdtse voina
Directed by: Maksim Fadeev

Cinema program "Savva. Heart of the Warrior" in Kraków

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Movie poster Sawa. Mały wielki bohater
Original title: Savva. Serdtse voina
Runtime: 85 min.
Production: Rosja , 2015
Category: animation / fantasy / adventure
Release Date: 13 November 2015
Distribution: Monolith

Directed by: Maksim Fadeev
Cast: Anna Dereszowska, Piotr Fronczewski, Piotr Grabowski

Sawa is a 10-year-old boy who has to defend his home village must face an evil magical beings. Backed by a white wolf Angee, przezabawnego creature named Puffy and extremely charming Nanty, the daughter of a local shaman, Sawa embarks on an adventurous and perilous journey through the magical land. Friends help get the boy to a mysterious magician, who alone has the power capable to destroy evil and save the village Sava. The boy is not expected that any of his associates is a reason to meet with the Magician ...

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Movie trailer: Savva. Heart of the Warrior

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Asia 5. December 2015, 7:57

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